Monday, February 1, 2010

How to Write a Children's Book
 ... Uncover how to write a children's classic - in 14 days, or less!

The Wealthy Writer
 ... Discover how to make $100k+ a year - writing for the Internet!

The Best-Seller Secret
  Turn your book into a #1 Amazon best-seller, with this little-known system!

Travel Writing Secrets
 ... Be a travel writer - get 5-star treatment, get published, get paid!

Novel in a Month
 ... Learn how to write a best-selling novel in just 28 days, or less!

Book Proposal Secrets
 ... Get a publishing contract AND get paid, before you write a word!

The Ultimate Copywriter
 ... Discover how to get paid $10,000 - for writing one simple letter!

Essential English for Authors
 ... Get your work published, by correcting these common English errors!

How to Win Contests
 ... Discover how to win big UK competitions, with a few simple words!

Book Backup Software
 ... Never lose your novel again, with this writer's backup tool!

Self-Publishing Secrets
 ... Earn great royalties and sack your editor, with self-publishing!

Movie in a Month Course
 ... Write your next Hollywood blockbuster in one month - or less!

Quick Cash Writing Course
 ... Turn your writing skills into quick cash, with this brand new course

Lou Darvas Course
 ... Discover how to draw cartoons, with famous cartoonist Lou Darvas!

Writer's Block CD
 ... Experience creativity on demand, and eliminate Writer's Block for good!

  Nick Daws Course
  Classic ground-breaking course shows how to write any book in under a month

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